Fundraising Made Easy with Iampact

Use the best of technology to empower the entire fundraise process for your NGO, Hospital or Incubator

How Does It Work?

Pre-funding support to NGOs and Incubators by Iampact

Support a Cause

funding support to NGOs and Incubators by Iampact
Post-funding support to NGOs and Incubators by Iampact

₹ 98.6B

Spent on CSR every year


Beneficiaries impacted


NGOs creating impact

₹ 5B

Opportunity cost loss due/ annum

Accurate and Fast

AI Generated Reports

Get fast, accurate and extensive Impact Assessment Reports and Baseline Reports with NGOpro™

Pre-Funding Support

RFP support to NGOs for fundraising by Iampact

RFP Response

AI-driven RFP responses that elevates your chance of winning by 75%. The response goes through multiple technology and human tests before submission

FCRA registration by Iampact for NGO, incubators

FCRA Registration

Become ready for CSR funds or foreign funding at the earliest. Let our team take care of your FCRA registration in the fastest way possible

CSR form filing by Iampact for NGO, incubators

CSR-1 Form Filing

Get your NGO, Hospital or Incubator ready for CSR funding. Let our team of experts take the burden of preparing and filing a winning CSR-1 form for you

Funding Support

RFP support to NGOs for fundraising by Iampact

Baseline Study

Get access to extensive and well-designed baseline study through the exclusively trained AI engines

FCRA registration by Iampact for NGO, incubators

Project Development

Consult a team of seasoned experts to build the execution framework of the program

CSR form filing by Iampact for NGO, incubators


Manage a robust P&L of your social projects by conducting the right cost optimization

Post-Funding Support

RFP support to NGOs for fundraising by Iampact

Impact Assessment Report

AI-driven transparent, accurate and real-time IARs for your social projects

FCRA registration by Iampact for NGO, incubators

Reporting & Communication

Access AI-driven real-time reporting and communication systems

CSR form filing by Iampact for NGO, incubators

Finance Management

Manage the finances of your entire organization through a team of seasoned fractional CFOs

Start A Faster Fundraising Journey Today



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